Détails du spot

Spotter mtgt
Spotté à Bordeaux, France
Date 05-01-2025 23:46

Amazing one, the spec is so classy. Silver is for me one of the best color for a Ferrari and with those silver rims and this all brown interior it's a perfect match ! What's a shame is that in Bordeaux, all the hotels park their cars in less than 2 minutes, and apart from this one, which is public, all the other hotels have their own private parking lots. So you really have to get the timing right, and you miss out on so many supercars... For example, this FF arrived in front of me and I only had time to take one photo parked in front of the hotel before it went into the parking lot...


Camera model Canon EOS R6
Aperture 1.4
Shutterspeed 1/640
Focal length 35.0 mm

Détails de la voiture

Vitesse de pointe 335 km/h
Accélération 0-100 km/h 3.70 s
Puissance 660 hp
Couple 683 Nm @ 6000 rpm
Poids 1790 kg

Nombre de commentaires sur ce spot

  1. Profile pic
    FRANCE supercar79  -  à 23:59

    Vraiment belle celle-ci !

  2. Profile pic
    FRANCE TDKCARWORLD  -  à 10:18

    Très belle FF !

  3. Profile pic
    UNITED KINGDOM ST22HTV  -  à 16:45

    Amazing spot but in my opinion, one of the worst possible specs, silver with silver wheels is quite in interesting and the brake discs have no colour which is criminal in my mind. To be honest though, the FF is not a good looking car anyway but I'd is spec one id go for yellow paint, yellow calipers, black interior and black rims

  4. Profile pic
    ITALY JACK888 Turin Spotter  -  à 22:41

    Classy but not too boring spec, the FF is such an underrated car, cool spot Méric!

  5. Profile pic
    FRANCE mtgt  -  à 23:59

    Thanks guys for your comments! 😁

  6. Cela n'est pas correct.

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