Détails du spot

Spotter P0Pro100u
Spotté à Nowy Targ, Poland
Date 14-01-2025 19:18

Ferrari 812 ze Słowacką rejestracją. Czy są tu fani tego modelu? ____________________________________________________ Ferrari 812 met Slowaaks kenteken. Zijn er hier fans van dit model? ____________________________________________________ Ferrari 812 with Slovak license plate. Are there any fans of this model here?


Camera model iPhone SE (2nd generation)
Aperture 1.8
Shutterspeed 1/484
Focal length 4.0 mm

Détails de la voiture

Vitesse de pointe 340 km/h
Accélération 0-100 km/h 2.90 s
Puissance 800 hp
Couple 690 Nm @ 4000 rpm
Poids 1525 kg

Nombre de commentaires sur ce spot

  1. Profile pic
    ITALY Dalzzz  -  à 19:31

    Beautiful! I absolutely love this model!

  2. Profile pic
    NETHERLANDS gertjeR  -  à 22:33

    Great 812 and spot!

  3. Profile pic
    UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Hoosier_Exotics  -  à 05:39

    Amazing catch! Looks awesome!

  4. Profile pic
    NETHERLANDS Carspotter-Arjan  -  à 06:37

    Stunning spot!

  5. Profile pic
    NETHERLANDS mikey_cars  -  à 07:46

    Huge fan of this car here :)
    Awesome Ferrari!!

  6. Profile pic
    POLAND T.B. Car Spotting  -  à 17:05

    świetny 😍

  7. Profile pic
    HUNGARY ShaytonSky  -  à 18:32

    Amazing catch! I've become a huge fan of this car over the years, wasn't that excited when I first saw it on photos, but ever since I've encountered it in person, my opinion has changed.

  8. Profile pic
    BELGIUM yannick-m.  -  à 15:01


  9. Profile pic
    NETHERLANDS Exclusive_Spottertje  -  à 19:11

    Congrats on SOTD!! I'm back and active on AutoGespot! :)

  10. Profile pic
    NETHERLANDS PJW99  -  à 18:37

    Very cool!!

  11. Profile pic
    UNITED KINGDOM JJMad  -  à 20:13

    Congrats on sotd!

  12. Profile pic
    UNITED KINGDOM ST22HTV  -  à 23:39

    Absolutely love this car!!! Big fan, even though the spec is bad! Congratulations on SOTD 👌

  13. Cela n'est pas correct.

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