Détails du spot

Spotter mtgt
Spotté à Bordeaux, France
Date 20-01-2025 23:30

The 458 Speciale is simply incredible. For me, it's already one of the best cars of all time, but in this spec is quite interesting. Even if this grey isn't necessarily the most beautiful, I prefer the Nürburgring silver, but with the black and yellow stripes it looks great! I'd just have worn silver rims. In any case, whatever the spec, this car is really amazing!


Camera model Canon EOS R6
Aperture 1.4
Shutterspeed 1/30
Focal length 35.0 mm

Détails de la voiture

Vitesse de pointe 325 km/h
Accélération 0-100 km/h 3.00 s
Puissance 605 hp
Couple 540 Nm @ 6000 rpm
Poids 1395 kg

Nombre de commentaires sur ce spot

  1. Profile pic
    SPAIN jo3l  -  à 00:00

    Dream car! The spec is not for me even so.

  2. Profile pic
    NETHERLANDS tk97  -  à 02:19

    Awesome find in the garage, great spot!

  3. Profile pic
    FRANCE TDKCARWORLD  -  à 06:51

    Vraiment magnifique cette speciale

  4. Profile pic
    UKRAINE Rostyslav  -  à 18:26

    Looks amazing

  5. Profile pic
    GERMANY funspotter  -  à 19:13

    amazing speciale!

  6. Profile pic
    ITALY JACK888 Turin Spotter  -  à 20:24

    Boring spec in my opinion but amazing car, great spot Méric! 👌

  7. Profile pic
    NETHERLANDS AB_Carphotography  -  à 09:37

    Not the best spec indeed but what a car! One of my favs for sure, really hope I can spot the Aperta one day

  8. Profile pic
    UNITED KINGDOM ST22HTV  -  à 16:38

    Not a good spec but a brilliant car. My favourite Ferrari

  9. Profile pic
    NETHERLANDS Jfvspots  -  à 10:59

    Wow so cool!

  10. Profile pic
    FRANCE mtgt  -  à 01:11

    Thanks guys for your comments! 😁

  11. Profile pic
    FRANCE mtgt  -  à 01:11

    @ST22HTV Also one of my favorite, especially in Aperta 🤩

  12. Cela n'est pas correct.

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