Détails du spot

Spotter M.O.C.
Spotté à Frankfurt am Main, Germany
Date 10-02-2024 22:20


Camera model ILCE-7M3
Shutterspeed 1/60 sec.
Focal length 50.0 mm

Détails de la voiture

Vitesse de pointe 320 km/h
Accélération 0-100 km/h 3.50 s
Puissance 540 hp
Couple 540 Nm @ 6500 rpm
Poids 1311 kg

Nombre de commentaires sur ce spot

  1. Profile pic
    NETHERLANDS Bman  -  à 22:24

    Nice find! Uploaded my first 540C today as well :)

  2. Profile pic
    GERMANY M.O.C.  -  à 22:29

    Thank you! Very cool! @Bman

  3. Profile pic
    GERMANY akki05  -  à 05:53

    Nice pics. It seems that they are relatively rare cars, because most customers prefers the 570s, what makes the 540s interesting.

  4. Profile pic
    GERMANY M.O.C.  -  à 12:56

    Thank you! I think so too, I didn't even know this model before 😂 @akki05

  5. Cela n'est pas correct.

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