Détails du spot

Spotter Hoosier_Exotics
Spotté à Greenwood (IN), United States of America
Date 13-01-2025 03:13

M-Car Monday. Saw this cool bad$$ sweet specced modded shiny dark red M6 parked at Twin Peaks restaurant at Greenwood Mall.


Camera model iPhone 12 Pro
Aperture 1.6
Shutterspeed 1/30
Focal length 4.2 mm

Détails de la voiture

Vitesse de pointe 250 km/h
Accélération 0-100 km/h 4.60 s
Puissance 507 hp
Couple 520 Nm @ 6100 rpm
Poids 1710 kg

Nombre de commentaires sur ce spot

  1. Profile pic
    NETHERLANDS gertjeR  -  à 05:39

    Great M6 with the V10 engine, cool find! 👍️

  2. Profile pic
    NETHERLANDS Carspotter-Arjan  -  à 06:29

    Nice find!

  3. Profile pic
    ITALY Dalzzz  -  à 06:43

    Amazing older M6, looks good!

  4. Profile pic
    POLAND P0Pro100u  -  à 19:14


  5. Profile pic
    NETHERLANDS autospotter#lenno  -  à 21:14

    Amazing car! Just an awesome spot!

  6. Profile pic
    NETHERLANDS Jeroen  -  à 22:05

    Nice spot. Really wanna know what those "scenic views" look like haha.

  7. Profile pic
    UNITED STATES OF AMERICA silcar  -  à 09:56

    Indianapolis is the BMW color code for this gorgeous color. Would kill to own an E60 M5 in this color

  8. Profile pic
    UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Horse-Power  -  à 13:44

    Hello, John. That German lady wears that dark red dress, perfectly. I just noe read your comment on my post. Your epic adventure still reads like the perfect trip. Be safe and I will be looking forward to your next update.

  9. Profile pic
    UNITED KINGDOM davileon  -  à 08:43

    Amazing find!

  10. Profile pic
    NETHERLANDS Exclusive_Spottertje  -  à 19:26

    I have uploaded my 1000th spot on AG! 🥳🎉

  11. Profile pic
    NETHERLANDS Rover-Spots  -  à 08:44

    Cool find and spec!

  12. Profile pic
    POLAND marcin.no  -  à 22:00

    Great looking car !

  13. Cela n'est pas correct.

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